Truck is now working as it should.
Programmed the reverse and set the drag brake to 100%. Very pleased with how the suspension is working. Only thing that I needed to fix was the body popping off the rear bodymounts when the chassis was flexing. One of the reasons I have not added a lot of covers or crossmembers is I want the chassis to flex a bit when going over rough terrain. In the rear of the body I have one threaded rod going from chassis to body to center it. Those happens to nearly be located at the bottom of the body. So a simpled fix was to add plate on each side under those threaded rods so the body can not flex off those magnet body post. I left a gap in the rear so I simply pop off the front mounts and slide the body forward so those threaded rods is clear and the body can then be lifted off. ![]() How it all looks on the underside now ![]() Max flex opposite side at each axle ![]() With load in the rear it should be more or less level. ![]() The tanden suspension works very well if I might say it so myself ![]() Rear driveshaft has great angles at max flex. No worries about them popping out. ![]() Leaf mount is clear of chassis at max flex as well ![]() Looking from above. By removing or adding leafs I can make the suspension softer or harder. For now I'm happy. I'm using some ebay specials with 12.5cm eye to eye which is a bit hard at first. ![]() Really like how the center driveshaft turned out as well. This is max flex at rearmost axle. So this is the worse it gets. ![]() It was important that the rear axles had zero degree pinion angle at drive hight. This means the pinion angle changes as little as possible as the suspension cycles. Right now I'm working on some front shock towers as the front bounches a tad to much while driving. Found some 80mm RC4WD shocks and SCX10 3 shock towers that will work with that length. Need to change receiver a bit later as range is about 5m before it stops or get mixes signals. I think the antenna on the current receiver is damaged. My last spare receiver so I might need a new radio in the future. |
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Shock towers and shocks fitted.
I used some Axial SCX10 III shock towers I belive and 80mm RC4WD shocks that I had a parts bin box. I'm serious out of proper hardware now so I use whatever fastners I can find. Had to drill and tap the frame, which was very easy. Dumped the old oil and filled 60wt, which I think is a bit too hard. Will test 40-55 a bit later. ![]() ![]() Had to grind off material between the bolt location so the bracket would fit on the axle. Other than that it was straight forward. Did a short test ride and the body and front axle is whole lot more planted. But a little on the stiff side regarding suspension movement.
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I keep on truckin' on this project....
Simplest way to add weigh to this truck is to make it a timber truck with a big log or a few smaller ones.. To figure out where to place the stacks, I need to find out max flex, like so.. ![]() Just clears... ![]() ![]() The bottom beams is from an old lamp I disambled and measures 9x9mm outside. Plan is to either use M4 or M5 allthread as stacks with tubes going over them. ![]() Those will be placed like so,cut down ofcourse. The one behind the cab will be a head rack which hinder the load to go trough the cab. Need to figure out the design... ![]() The fueltanks were also lifted up to give max clearance when offroading. ![]() ![]() So far the only bought items on this has been frame and front tires. Hope most of the parts needed I either can make myself or buy at low cost. |
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I like it Richard
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The following user(s) Liked this: stingray-63, 1972 LeMansGT Jim
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Can just upload 3 pictures at each post for some reason...
This 6mm plate will become the plow mount and will be bolted to the other two brackets. All 3 items needs to be trimmed down when all is finished. ![]() Plow looks a bit small now after bending it. Might make a new bigger one. ![]() Not a clue how to mount the lift servo yet, nor the links as the blade needs to be tilted to one side for the shuffling effect. |
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Yeahhhh top Richard. A bigger one will be perfect. And maybe less curved on the lower side.
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The following user(s) Liked this: caprinut
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I can not locate any roof maker lights for the Grand Hauler/King Hauler trucks, whitout the chrome bits costing a fortune.
Because of this I want to see if I can make some myself. I'm also completly out of 5mm rod or tube styrene, and the usual shops seems to not have any in stock atm.... First I will test if my idea will work. Grabbed one of my 4.8x4.8 square beams and drilled two holes for 3mm led wires. That seems to work. I will trim the square rod to fit into one of the 6.5mm tubes and then shape it to size. [/URL] The glass fit the 6.5mm tube perfectly. [/URL] If this don't work I will try to make some in milliput epoxy or 3d print them as I found a file on Thingiverse. If anyone happens to have one extra glass for the King Hauler roof lights, I want to buy. |
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