TAMIYA XR311: it was presented in 1977 by TAMIYA in 1:12 scale to the amazed public and was the first RC car from TAMIYA with sprung independent suspension on torsion springs. For me it was an absolute DREAM at that time, unaffordable and unattainable! Many years later it came back as a new edition and landed originally packed in my "shelf of treasures". Now I finally found the time to build it. In 1978 TAMIYA showed a design proposal in the catalog: the CHEETAH in Jaguar pattern, the XR311 in Zebra design. With modern techniques, of course, you can create such a complex design quite wonderfully yourself and print it out with the printer as a waterslide image. It took two days of patience to get all the small parts onto the very structured body with its beads and edges, but it was definitely worth the effort! Now the XR311 can go next to the CHEETAH in the showcase.