

Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 6 months ago #16155

I'm usually not that bothered by the violence of the reaction when it's not all too diluted...
Chances are I'm gonna have to polish afterwards anyway.
Not breathing the gas is probably a good idea though.
And you're right - the grains are cheap as chips.

I was just thinking the Cillit javel stuff would also work since I had some success with regular bleech.
That's a lot less violent but slower of course... and 40 eurocents a bottle for the "Euroshopper" label.


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Re: Low cost paint remover 11 years 6 months ago #16163

It's just me, I'm far too impatient for slow reactions, brake fluid paint stripping drives me mad! I much prefer to throw the bits in a bucket of stuff & run away, only approaching it again once the fire has died down a bit! More excitement for your money...

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