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New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1423

Well I was born in 1970 and had 4 brothers and sisters. My parents were paying around 18% interest on the mortgage back in the 80's so there wasn't any Tamiya cars at my house. Maybe I'm makin up for lost time now but I do know one thing and that is I'm well and truly bitten by the bug of collecting vintage Tamiyas. Included a few pics of what I have and restored so far. Hope you like them. All vintage except the scorcher which is reissue. Midnight Pumpkin is still in the box and I have purchased a Rough Rider in need of full resto that has not arrived yet. My Favourite is definitely the Superchamp.

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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1426

You got some nice cars there mate! B)

I see you bought the black Lunchy that was on evilBay for ages. :P

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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1427

Yeah thats the one, Probably paid too much for it in the condition it was but look at it now and it's all original 80's. Where you going to find one of those??? Apart from a bit of a repair I did on the roof, the body is in really good condition.

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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1428

Nice collection you have there .
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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1433

Really nice collection! B)

Cudos on the Lunchbox resto. Looking awesome. :woohoo:

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Last edit: by Edou.

Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1437

Thanks mate, I really like restoring old stuff. I've done a few real cars, I mean full body off chassis restorations, my last one a 1957 Ford Customline, and these little Tamiya cars are so much cheaper. I still get satisfaction from turning something that's total garbage into something really nice.

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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1438

Sounds like you have some of the same preferences...
Used to work on my 1:1 a lot (no full restoration though) but indeed this scale is easier.
For the "real" cars I like the work of Chip Foose a lot - better even than most original restos.

Not a large step to imagine an Rc scale translation. :woohoo:
Grasshopper as a basis for example would suit very nicely.

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Last edit: by Edou.

Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1439

thats a real nice set of cars you have must have taken a bit of work to make that lunchbox so shiny looks great now though. once the tamiya bug bites thats it i have a full spare room and attic :laugh:

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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1442

Nice collection there, Lunchbox is a great kit.
Whats next?


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Re: New member from Australia 13 years 1 week ago #1444

The Lunchbox is the only one I have restored so far apart from building the Scorcher which was new in the box. Cant make up my mind wether to build the Midnight Pumpkin or keep it in the box. It's vintage but whats the point of having it in pieces in a box where you cant see it? I would say I will start on the Superchamp next. Going to strip the body, have repro decals on their way that look pretty good for the price, it will be painted original dark blue colour and pretty much just stripped down, cleaned up, new servos maybe as they're a bit dodgy and it might need a new MSC, hope not because they're not cheap. Definitely keeping it original but. After that, I have the Blackfoot that needs decals. "Anyone know where I might find some of those" There is a set on Ebay but price is stupid. And then will be the Rough Rider which I have not received yet so plenty to do for me in the near future.

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