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Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16308

Just wondering if I'm not alone being 'injured' whilst restoring an RC?!!

Last night my 959 had a go at me as I stabbed myself with a scalpel whilst cutting out some old cable ties! Pretty sure I hit the bone too! Nice!

Can you beat my experience? :whistle:
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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16309

Ouch !
Fortunately nothing like that ever happened to me.

The worst thing that ever happened was while dismanteling a 3sp transmission, while being in the living, lot's of oil leaked out of it.
Of course i didn't knew that the previous owner had filled it with oil and you can imagine my wife's mood seing that oil leaking on the carpet !!! :sick: :sick:

Otherwise iv'e never been "attacked" by my models !
Proud owner of the Bruiser Family

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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16325

Yes oil leaks are not good!

Same goes for the grubby fingers... I've had to get up and go to the beer whilst doing so, leaving finger prints everywhere!!

I now have a dedicated set of towels etc :evil:
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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16334

Euwwuk - scalpel stories make me cringe - last incident I had was whilst removing an intercom from a bike helmet with a 10A-bladed scalpel. I slipped & stabbed my forefinger right in the end, blade went "bing" when it hit the hard bit... thought I was gonna hurl.

I regularly crop lumps off my thumbs with the Stanley knife when working with plasticard too, feels odd with the bits missing, but not really that fussed as I have really thick skin. Bit of a nuisance when that red stuff comes out & gets over everything though!

I recently had a cheapo printer cartridge let go & empty itself all over the spare room carpet, pretty narked about that as the only other previous damage was the vast quantity of solder blobs (I've taught myself to flick the iron at the bin nowadays, as before that I often used to end up with it on my forehead, which stings a bit! Still get my feet & shins from time to time!)

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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16337

LOL! this happens to me alot :blush: The hazards of my work and play :lol:

(these aren't my fingers, just for demonstration purposes :pinch: )
If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem mate :)

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Last edit: by AndyAus.

Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16338

On the scale of things, my RC injuries have been pretty minor - cars, bikes, guns & curries have given me far worse.

But I'd be lying if I said that wedging a jewellers screwdriver 1cm under a fingernail didn't sting like all get out :pinch:

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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16339

HI!... With my RC stuff, I think the worst I have done id slice a finger or two open with a hobby knife, oh and C/A glue my fingers together or to something! lol!

When It comes to cars, I'm a avid Hot rodder and drag racer. Over the years I've buggered up my hands a bit. Cut the tips of two fingers off, got one finger tip caught in a fan.

When I raced motocross I had dislocated my left shoulder once and my right twice, broke left wrist twice, dislocated my right hip, broke fingers, toes, broke my left foot.

Now working in heavy construction, I got caved in on in a 10FT deep trench. Was buired alive for just over a minute. Ended up breaking my left wrist, left arm, fractured my pelvic bone, fractured 3 ribs, and dislocated my left shoulder.

Oh and almost left out a STIHL gas powered cement saw and I got into a fight once. I lost. Blade went 2.5 inches deep into my left knee, 6 inches long. Missed my themeral (sp?) artery by a 1/32!!! 164 stiches later good as new and a cool scar to show the ladies. lol!

Does that keep me out of deep holes? LOL! Nope!

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Last edit: by THE H.P FREAK.

Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16343

badword! I've got nothing to complain about then! That's some serious experiences HP Freak!.. AND i've just sliced my thumb making french fries!!! :sick:
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Re: Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16346

Just chuckling to myself about how "safe" bikes are in comparison with hobbies & working now!
Been off mine at over 70mph twice now, walked away from both incidents. Bounced off a brick gatepost & slid amongst holiday traffic in an incident years ago in Snettisham (Before the bypass opened), naffed my shoulder then, but otherwise unscathed.
Er, only other thing I can think of was getting my hair wound up in a power drill whilst doing some polishing, but that was uneventful too as it just stalled the drill...

Rolled a 3.5 ton van a few years back, walked away from that too.
Then there was the truck + snow = signpost/rockery/5x conifers/caravan thing, trouble from the old bill was the only injury there.

Yeah, thinking about it, all of my injury related hospital visits have been hobby related, none (As yet) from the bike!

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Has your resto project bitten you? 11 years 6 months ago #16375

Ended up with 8 stitches in my wrist, 4 in the muscle 4 in the skin, trying to remove CF centering rings from a crashed mid powered model rocket.
I spent over 4 hours trying to convince the ER shrink I wasn't trying to kill myself before they would stitch me up. Missed permanent nerve damage by just 2 MM.

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