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Loisirs Creations RC - Manx TT - 1/8 1 week 3 days ago #78582

This is a new project, of a very different type... Let' be clear : I'm not sure where to put it exactly as it is very old school and vintage in spirit, but very recent in terms of release.

My friend at Loisirs Creations RC is an old guy, with a lot of experience in the RC. He is nostalgic of the late seventies and very early eighties, and he produced a nice and simple buggy... My brother had a very similar Micro Racing dune buggy when he was young. I got one for him, and I recently decided I'll go for one for myself as well...

It takes the form of a Meyers Manx TT at 1/8 scale. The bodyshell, tires and most of the injected parts are produced in house at Loisirs Creations RC. The whole buggy is very inspired from the plain old designs from many companies at the early stages of RC...

The front train relies on a thick plastic plate and a very simple arms with simple knuckles. The suspension relies on the tires and the flexibility of the plate...

The rear train use simple pull arms and a belt directly running on the rim. And a spring on each side for the suspension...

The tires feel nice, and while i'm not fully happy with the line as I find the front too low, I will have to work this out to make it better...

Bumper (which is sort of ABS bath tub) and seats to cover battery, RX and ESC are there to complete the kit. And there is a few accessories which should allow for a nice unguided build :-)

The target is to have this car ready sometime in August, for some vintage events in September (those guys are more 1/8 oriented than I usually do, so this will go nicely to run with them)...
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)
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Loisirs Creations RC - Manx TT - 1/8 1 week 3 days ago #78583

I have a similar project since several year to build my own mrc bulitt tribute. With aloy chassis. Same things in spirit . Can't wait your creation.

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