

Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4957

Is there anything left on the car that hasn't been replaced several times over now?

If no-one else has mentioned it so far, can I just say "Trigger's Broom" ? ;)

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4959

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Is there anything left on the car that hasn't been replaced several times over now?

Not much... but a few things though.

"Trigger's Broom"

I had to google that one but I guess it's just not... :whistle:
It essentially remains a Manta Ray because of the screws that hold the A arms together. :lol:

Ship of Theseus - Wikipedia

And a not well thought through answer to the philosphical question : it remains the same.
Only if you replace all the parts simultaneously and without any time lapse would it become a different object.
Parts replaced one by one will become an integrated whole with time.
Another philosophy - Buddhism - believes that the essence of the car is also a living presence. :huh: :lol:

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4965

Interesting read ... someone should add Microsoft's view re their "system builder" OEM OS packages - firstly, you have to buy it with "internal hardware" ... so lots get bought with the cheapest network card possible, but the main thing is that the OS is not transferable, it has to stay with the PC in was first installed on ... but that doesn't preclude changes of most of the hardware - the only thing that must stay the same is the motherboard, and even that you're allowed to replace with another one of the same brand and model, if it breaks ... so theoretically, you could replace everything - case, drives, PSU, RAM boards, monitor, KB, mouse, and even the motherboard (subject to the caveat above) - and you could still reinstall the OS as it's the "same" PC.

My view with RC cars is that you can replace pretty much everything on the car as long as your intention is to improve/preserve it - and you detail what you've done when it comes to selling it - as long as there's no intention to defraud, I don't see a problem - it's an old car with a lot of new bits on it.

On the other hand, if you took those 95% of parts you'd discarded from that hypothetical car and built another one, it's not the same car - electrons may be able to be in two places at once, but an RC car can't - it's a new car built with mostly old parts.

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4966

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My computer is also a bit of a Trigger's Broom - a 1999 500 MHz P3 that's been updated to still work (more or less) with today's speeds. Not much that was originally there - not even the OS. That's now XP instead of Windows 98. :silly:

The car I'm building here could only be sold (not that I really would) as a very hopped up Manta Ray.
If I would replace every part for (let's say) Top Force it still wouldn't be an original but a technically correct replica.

On the other hand, if you took those 95% of parts you'd discarded from that hypothetical car and built another one, it's not the same car - electrons may be able to be in two places at once, but an RC car can't - it's a new car built with mostly old parts.

But what if you ignore the original actions and just consider it to be a rebuild, adding 5% new parts... :huh:

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4967

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For that matter - I reckon whole mankind is a Ship of Theseus... :blink:
Sorry guys, don't want to give anyone a headache - myself included. :lol:

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 6 months ago #4968

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 5 months ago #5000

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Is that popcorn sweet or salty? :lol:

If I would replace every part for (let's say) Top Force it still wouldn't be an original but a technically correct replica.

Quite extraordinairy how some bits of plastic can raise philosophical questions. :lol:
What's the real difference between Tamiya putting them in a box or me getting the exact same stuff at a later point... :huh:

The 'broom' will get a new change! Before the (brand new) 'old' part was even used. :blink:
A set of universals for the front. B) :woohoo:


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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 5 months ago #5002

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Mmm... anybody know what car this bashed ole body used to belong to? :huh:
It came with a British Manta Ray and from the bulge inside the circle it looks like it's for a DF-01...
Can't seem to identify it though :

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 5 months ago #5004

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Pretty sure it's not for a DF-01. Curious what it is though...

Great news! I'll be getting a Terra Conqueror body option. A beautiful shell in my opinion... :) B)

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Vintage Manta Ray customisation quest 12 years 5 months ago #5005

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Actually, it's a Blazing Star shell. But that's just tomatoes/tomatoes.
Really got a great quote from Gary at Lightwatermodels when I sent him a mail about it. :woohoo:
A Terra Conquerer was easier to find but I couldn't resist this one.
Gonna use my own colour scheme and custom decals though.

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