

SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78368

After my day of work, I went for another scanner session...

This time I used high accuracy in the capture (it was in standard accuracy last time). I started by capturing the body. For this I used the black support (black means the scanner will not capture it), as the body itself should have enough features to allow proper tracking easily....

I use some packages as support for the scanner or the turn table to take the capture at different height and orientations. I also put the body in different position directly on the turn table to add additional captures...

Then I merged all the point clouds based on the features, and about 5 minutes later, I had a very nice body...

I redid the same for the helmet, but with the white support with slightly better results on the scan itself than for my previous capture...

I think I can still improve the support, so the bottom of the helmet is even better... But that's for next time...
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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78381

Gone for some test prints...

I'll put a comparison between the original parts and the printed parts later on after the printed/cleaned part are fully dry and cured...
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)
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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78382

They already look nice

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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78383

yes, plenty good enough already!
I'm still asking myself if there is way to get better definition. I'll tweek the edition, as I believe there is a bit too much of smoothing in the automated editing... In short there is room for improvement... Even though it's probably good enough, considering that most of the reproduction I saw relying on a silicon mould are not really giving much sharp edges... But clearly, this is on the sharp edges that the scanned file could be improved...
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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78384

Try a black line with a pen between fingers and points of pens for the face.  My colleagues uses round stickers (gommettes) to scan 1/1 cars. With a flat spray on some zones.

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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78385

I don't think this is the problem. I think it is smoothing in the post processing which is the issue...
NB : white primer was applied on both body and head before starting. And all edges avec the same loss of sharpness...
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)

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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78386

these are pretty good results and as you said, there is post processing you can tweak. I would guess the software is trying to reduce as many points in the model as possible.

What is the largest object that you think you can scan? I am guessing a car body is out of the question (even is painted properly). But scanning parts of a body or chassis to make new parts fit might be worth a try.

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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 1 week ago #78387

Johann, for bigger objects, I have no clue yet... I'll have to try. That said, the head dimensions are below what the specs tell for the minimum size of a scanned object... But just refering to the specs, for a car, it's probably a range or a miraco scanner which is required...

But lot of condition may apply to get a proper scan :
  • sunlight is not good for scanning : inside is better
  • reflecting, clear, brilliant paint are not good either
  • flat surface (in terms of light reflection is better)
  • uniform surface are difficult to scan, and markers may be required
  • ... (anything I did not identify yet)
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)

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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 6 days ago #78398

I'm really puzzled by resin printing some times : I have around 1/8 print fails with standrad resin. 

The kind of fails I can't explain : bed level is good because unchanged, next print with the same file is working. At this stage, I believe my bed might not be as clean as it should, but generally, ending a print, removing printed parts from the bed and start next print would work. 

Funnily, most of the times, the first print of a serie is always the one failing (the one after I cleaned the bed since last serie). Knowing this, I generally check my prints few minutes after the beginning of a print, to avoid loosing too much time and material... Let's see what happens for the test prints I launched today...
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)
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SIlverTriple's 3D printing stuff... 1 month 6 days ago #78400

The test print to check the last scans was done successfully...

I rescan the head of the Super Wheelie differently, with a slightly better result again...

The Big Bear driver figure scan is actually much better than what I thought it would be... I still wish to find another one in parts so it is easier to scan...

Last the Hunter/Galaxy driver is in two parts, like the Super Wheelie : body and head... And the same process I used for the Super Wheelie head was used.

I'm questioning myself about putting those on shapeways or cults3D to make them easily accessible...
I buy kits to built and ru(i)n them :-)
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